Friday, November 20, 2015

"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise;but a companion of fools is destroyed."
Proverbs 13:20

A person that is a companion with wise men learns from them, learns helpful things, and is wise.Yet when a person is accompanied by fools he learns foolish and unhelpful things.

Most of us associate the holiday with happy Pilgrims and Indians sitting down to a big feast.  And that did happen - once. 

In 1637 near present day  Groton, Connecticut, over 700 men, women and children of the Pequot Tribe had gathered for their annual Green Corn Festival which is our Thanksgiving celebration. In the predawn hours the sleeping Indians were surrounded by English and Dutch mercenaries who ordered them to come outside.  Those who came out were shot or clubbed to death while the terrified women and children who huddled inside the longhouse were burned alive. The next day the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony declared "A Day Of Thanksgiving" because 700 unarmed men, women and children had been murdered.Cheered by their "victory", the brave colonists and their Indian allies attacked village after village. Women and children over 14 were sold into slavery while the rest were murdered. Boats loaded with a many as 500 slaves regularly left the ports of New England. Bounties were paid for Indian scalps to encourage as many deaths as possible. Following an especially successful raid against the Pequot in what is now  Stamford, Connecticut, the churches announced a second day of "thanksgiving" to celebrate victory over the heathen savages.  During the feasting, the hacked off heads of Natives were kicked through the streets like soccer balls.  Even the friendly Wampanoag did not escape the madness. Their chief was beheaded, and his head impaled on a pole in Plymouth, Massachusetts -- where it remained on display for 24 years.   
only you ignorant people dont know the

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

"If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true,do not say it."
                                  Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius

  It is simply saying that we should always aim to do what is right and always speak the truth. Doing what is right means speaking the truth at all times. It also means that when you are going to do something you have to do whats right.speaking the truth means you will have more people around you that trust you instead of making them think wrong of you. Doing what is the right thing to do means that you are less in place of getting in trouble or any other type of bad consequence. When you are speaking the truth and do what is right you them become a person of trust and value. More people would want to hang out with you. This is better because no one wants to be rejected all the time because they lie and always do wrong, no one would want to be around them. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Veteran’s Day
Veteran’s Day is an official United States federal holiday that is observed annually on November 11, honoring people who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, also known as veterans.
1.       Commemorated as Armistice Day beginning the following year, November 11th became a legal federal holiday in the United States in 1938. In the aftermath of World War II and the Korean War, Armistice Day became Veterans Day, a holiday dedicated to American veterans of all wars.
2.       It is important that we show honor in veteran’s day because we are letting our veteran’s know that we do appreciate them and what they do to protect this wonderful country.
3.       It is on November 11.
4.       We decorate our houses with camo flags and have a dinner with a known veteran.


Thursday, November 5, 2015

"The best recreation is to do good."
                          William Penn

i agree with his quote because its true. when u help someone you feel happy and relax . when is what recreation means to relax. we sometime think that do good is a job,but its not it really your break time. we need to do good because it helps you and the people you help. For example, Maria get good grade and works hard that helping to win the basketball games. when so want to relax she goes to the retirement home to help out. she says it relax her seeing the smiles  of the people so helps. she love it because it help her relax but its also helping them. that's why i agreed with this quote.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

"Right is right,even if everyone is for it;and wrong is wrong ,even if everyone is for it."
William Penn

one example of right is right is following school rules even tho people are against them and ditching class is something wrong even tho people want to do it.